An embodied exploration of honouring, belonging and becoming.

Starting on Imbolc 1.2.25

Registration for our year-long programme is open.

How do we heal uprooted selves and societies amidst unravelling modernity? 

Deracinated, uprooted, displaced, exiled, lost. These are common underlying experiences of the modern human. We are in turbulent times, both individually and collectively. The Anthropocene is collapsing as we realise how entangled our lives are with one another, and beyond into the more-than-human. Deepen Your Roots will provide you a map to navigate this initiatory threshold. It is a map that bridges inner and outer worlds through animistic eyes and stirs us to listen, deeply, to what is being asked of us at this time. The call is communal - join a vibrant collective of rooting ones who are ready to embody the Great Turning.

you’ve arrived, rooting one.

Perhaps you no longer inhabit the lands of your ancestors. Or you are multi-cultural with complex realities and histories. Most of us are reluctantly acclimatising to degenerating eco + social systems. Amidst a global unravelling full of terrors, with increasing oppression and polarisation, what is your role in creating a beautiful world? What are the stories preventing you from digging deeper? How can you overcome the overwhelm and entrapment of modern, fast-paced life so that you may tend to the roots of existence, belonging, aliveness and interconnection?

With ever-growing displacement, detachment and dissociative sensibilities, we call to those who yearn to dig deep and cultivate the connection, awareness and service that is needed in these times.

"This experience has been life changing for me in so many ways, I have a new found acceptance, peace and connection to nature, community and myself that I didn’t think was possible."

— Laura Hodge, 2023 Council

“This course is like remembering—remembering what our ancient souls and bodies already know but our modern minds have forgotten and have been taught differently. It is a beautifully designed course. I wholeheartedly recommend it.”

— Arina Anisie, 2024 Council

  • You are ready to compost un-wellness (societally, ecologically, spiritually, personally) and garden medicine for thriving life

  • You are experiencing eco-anxiety, eco + social grief, motionlessness, burnout, a lack of belonging, uprootedness, and a longing to deepen your sense of connection and purpose

  • You desire to awaken your animistic sense of interbeing

  • You yearn to cultivate community, connection and life-enhancing (loocalised) systems

  • You long to bridge ancient wisdom with new eyes and ideas

  • You hear the call to step into a deeper state of stewardship and leadership

  • You seek to actively rewild + localise your practices, deconstructing the prescription of mainstream monoculture

this is for you if…

with special guests

    • Explore the core barriers to belonging

    • Map your bioregion

    • Root in gratitude

    • Meet the ecological Self

    • Honour syncretic + bi/multicultural identity + belonging

    • Grow an understanding of Deep Ecology + co-create its evolution

    • Deepen your animistic relationship with local waterways

    • Learn about your watershed community

    • Defy water appropriation

    • Explore restoration ecology + become a waterway guardian

    • Expand the ecological Self into the mycelial underworld

    • Compost old stories

    • Explore healing and psycho-spiritual growth as relational and rhizomatic

    • Comprehend cognition beyond the brain + build a Gaian mentality

    • Create space to express and hold our grief, both bioregionally and globally

    • Explore reverence, love and guardianship through grief rituals

    • Honour loss to dissolve numbness

    • Recognise birdsong with animist ears

    • Deconstruct the Anthropocene through sonic remembrance

    • Apprentice with furred, feathered, barked and budded ones

    • Deepen intimacy with the edible and medicinal beings within your bioregion

    • Folkloric foraging

    • Apprentice with a chosen ally

    • Find the songs and stories woven within the stems and roots

    • Find access routes towards local sovereign food systems

    • Deepen your understanding of current food systems

    • Localise your choices and sense of sustenance reclamation

    • Taste regenerative agriculture

    • Redefine systems of wealth and re-orientate towards thriving life

    • Find your bioregion’s more-than-human elders or liminal thresholds

    • Create eco-psychic-spiritual ritual and art

    • Revive eco-guardianship folkloric wisdom

    • Rewild the edges

    • Connect with your ancestors + the ancestors of the land you inhabit (inc. syncretic honouring)

    • Map the constellations that will guide you home

    • Feel into the thresholds of cyclical existence

    • Read the sun + moon through ancient eyes

    • Sense coming weathers + seasons

    • Learn more about belonging from migrational beings

    • Tend to or form the hearth with which community gathers

    • Strengthen communication and authenticity

    • Explore the significance of intergenerational togetherness

    • Develop clarity around core values and healthy structures

    • Synthesise through ritual, art + story

    • Let the land speak through you

    • Converse with trees, rivers, rocks and hollow bones

    • Feel held by the land, receptive to guidance + wisdom

    • Honour your becoming through ritual and ceremony

    • Receive guidance into planning your own nature-vigil + integrate the experience in community

    • Inhabit ancient and new songs as compasses and conduits of healing and connection

    • Go forth resourced to create or join communities who practise rooted resilience, reciprocity and regeneration

    • Find purpose and clarity on sense of direction + offerings

    • Deepen community connection and implementable collective action

    • Carry forth the ethos + work with ample opportunities

    • Build diversity, pollinating what is flowering and seeding what is possible

    • Settle into your ecological-niche + mythopoetic calling

course content

with 4 bonus sessions

  • East

    A Spring Equinox special session to explore breath, new beginnings, intention and symbiotic existence.

  • South

    A Solstice special with renowned ancestral crafts artist Dorrie Joy, honouring creativity, harvest + cyclical existence.

  • West

    An Autumn Equinox special where we will explore further composting of rigid paradigms.

  • North

    A Winter Solstice special where we will honour ancestors by cosying up around our virtual hearth to share songs and stories.

  • "Being able to welcome in the spiral shape of this work into my body has been poignant and vital. The pieces I've been able to uncover and unearth through this different lens of body-land-soul based inquiry is beautiful and never-ending. It's been about time that an offering in the world has been accessible in an earthly, slow-paced, re-returning and remembering way. Thank you Roni, Ben & the 2024 council.”

    — Marina Delamar, Death Doula, Australia, 2024 Council

  • “Deepen your roots does not work on the obvious, the visible level. Like its name, way more work is done below, within, unconsciously, when working through the beautifully created course material for each moon. And letting it guide you through each cycle with curiosity and open eyes within your current place - and without overthinking the “getting it done.”

    — Leon Bucher, Regeneration + Holistic Management, 2024 Council

  • “If you've ever felt that there is more to the world that surrounds you but you don't know how to access its secrets then this is the course for you. A place to deepen your relationship, love and reverence with the land that surrounds you and the beings that dwell in it. Lovingly held by Roni and Ben and with facinating guest speakers this is a truly special course that will return your investment for the rest of your life.”

    — Samantha Mennell, Founder of the Yorkshire Rewilding Network, 2024 Council

  • "The beautifully made pdfs and audios have been so wonderful to immerse in. This slow journey has been such a beautiful balm for my soul. I have moved countries twice with a short stint in my birth country (India) in between and this deep ecological journey has certainly helped me feel more rooted in my new country while also honouring and loving every place I have ever called home."

    — Ishwari Thopte, Regenerative Leadership, 2024 Council

  • "Deepen Your Roots is the space underneath it all. The longing, the grasping, it is for this. If you have tried to find your people and instead found superficial spirituality, don't despair, just dig deeper. Go down to the roots and you will find your way much clearer. Find yourself, find the others. You are not alone."

    — Lori Stevens, Crafter, 2024 Council

  • “In this program, I am slowly finding my feet again. There is an invitation to plant yourself in the soil, feel the waters that run deep, find your more than human relations and be curious as you root, one little rooting thread at a time. I love the counsel calls and listening to the audio files while on long rambling walks. Listening to other people's stories on the calls really touches me, and awakens a depth of being in resonance I love, especially as I haven't yet found that in my new home town. Each guest has awoken a thread in me that contributes to my life's integration.”

    — Siri Arti, UK Mental Health Yoga Therapist
    + Adolescent Wellness Guide, 2024 Council

  • "Ben & Veronica have co-created a magical course that has guided me through the depths of being and belonging. I have long yearned for a deeper connection with the earth and the land I live on, but I felt overwhelmed and unsure of where to start. The course has been beautifully structured yet allows for such intuitive flow to begin this journey. The abundance of resources, activities, guest speakers, and more have offered numerous ways to dive into the work and set the foundation for practices that you can explore for a lifetime. I'm very grateful for the course and I also send many thanks to Ben & Veronica for the space they hold and support that is offered."

    — Shaleesa Mize, Mother, US Design Entrepreneur, 2024 Council

  • "The Deepen your Roots program is deeply transformative and healing. You have the freedom to move in your own pace, yet the interconnectedness of this web and the energy of the words of the course still work through in your life. Small omens you would have missed before suddenly appear, and you later realise that it was part of the invitations of the course. Be ready to be transformed in a deeply nourishing and supportive group of likeminded souls."

    — Miriam de Graaff, Netherlands, 2024 Council

  • "Ben and Roni have held such generous and generative space for such a wise cohort of rooted ones, reverent ones, and rememberers. I've been constantly in awe of the wisdom that's gathered here--in lineage and resources, guests, and participants alike. We all have roots. This course is dedicated to deepening them, and interlacing them with the roots of other beings--including the other-than-human ones who are calling us in so many ways and from so many directions to remember that we belong. This slow weaving is the work that's needed now."

    CdV Saizan, Mother, Author, 2024 Council

+ 6 powerful replays

you’ll receive

  • 13 inspiring ‘roundhouse’ council calls

  • 13 special guest talks + workshops

  • 13 printable PDF + immersive audio course chapters (for life)

  • 4 bonus sessions (making a total of 30 live calls over the year)

  • Community of support inc. additional sharing circles

  • Guidance for your research

  • Practical skills (facilitation + leadership frameworks + practices, foraging, crafting)

  • A thriving shared research forum

  • Signposts to an array of supportive resources

  • An in-depth exploration of yourself, your bioregion and your calling

  • Support with emergent projects

  • Opportunities to join a bioregional map + movement; be seen and heard (podcast, journal etc); earn your investment back + carry forth the work (see FAQs)

  • A strong sense of resource + inspiration to bring forth your unique medicine + vision

  • A tried and tested roadmap to belonging

core elements

  • The Work That Reconnects

    We will move through a year-long slow spiral of Joanna Macy's transformative framework designed to help you + your community heal from eco + social crises, empowering renewed embodied action.

  • Bioregionalism + Localisation

    An ecological + cultural philosophy that sees inhabiting (and tending to) the natural characteristics + blurred-edged boundaries of the specific geographic area you root into as a life-enhancing pathway.

  • Embodiment

    This programme (re)entangles inner and outer landscapes, inspiring deep re-inhabition of place through an embodied apprenticeship with the land-community around you (and within you).

  • Animism

    Weaving ancestral, earth-centric practices and perspectives is vital in our re-membering of an animate, expressive world, re-attuning our human senses to the more-than-human terrain.

  • The Ecological Self

    The Ecological Self is the view of self from within a biocentric society. It is an expanded view of Self that moves in concentric circles, eventually encompassing all life as part of oneSelf.

  • Deep Ecology

    A philosophy (or environmentalism) that sees organisms + relationships in nature as dependently co-arising, where all life should be recipient to moral and legal rights to live and flourish, beyond the anthropocene.

+ for a deeper psychedelic integration…

This programme also acts as a colossal psychedelic integration that embodies the common biophilic expansion and transmission granted by entheogenic encounters.  If you are looking to deeply integrate psychedelic experiences, we recommend combining this course with drop in psychotherapist-led integration circles, as the content and councils will help you ground these experiences into embodiment, action and long-lasting healing and connection.  We recognise the pathway psychedelics provide to this work and will honour your process if you wish to combine this course in such a way.

“Deepen Your Roots is a transformative experience. Individually, you can delve as deeply as you can bear, knowing that you are supported by a like minded tribe. There is no judgement here, just a welcoming space to unfold from the over-culture and mould into the earth and listen to her wisdom.”

— Penny Smith, 2024 Council

This does not end after 13-moons. In fact, you will have the opportunity to spiral through another year as a community leader. As a participant, you work towards lifetime status as a bioregional guardian; a keeper of the wisdom, knowledge and forgotten secrets of the land on which you live.

Throughout the programme, you will have the opportunity to explore and develop offerings to nourish your ecological-niche. What is it that your land-community longs for? What seeds will you plant in this life, for the many generations (human and non-human) to come?

a multi-generational calling

Our work is to bio-regionally re-vision our maps with blurred boundaries, creating a growing community who re-inhabit place at a level of deep understanding and stewardship.

hosted by Roni + Ben

As a multidisciplinary healing + creative arts practitioner, Roni weaves embodiment, land, ceremony + song into intimate explorations for connection, healing and growth.  MSc studentship in Transpersonal Psychology with the Alef Trust, alongside work with Rooted Healing (as founder + director), are driven by her fascination with the fabric of life and our belonging within it.  Her background in professional theatre continues to guide her work, where she carries reverence for the power of story, music, expression, catharsis + playfulness. A childhood immersed in wild Welsh lands gave her a viscerally intimate connection with a beloved bioregion. She has co-curated Deepen Your Roots in response to her own eco-grief and through an embodied experience of the returning and re/membering of her own indigenous essence.

Ben is a facilitator, gardener + gatherer living in community in the heart of Eryri (Snowdonia), North Wales, offering the creation of wild-culture gardens + the pollination of foraging for food, medicine + connection to place. He holds a PGDip in Sustainable Food + Natural Resources + a BA in Philosophy, Religion and Spanish. His group work stems from 'The Work That Reconnects' and contemporary Rites of Passage (vision quest), where he undertook two trainings in the art of facilitation for transformation. He now facilitates programmes in Deep Ecology/Bioregionalism, foraging, wild-cultured gardening and initiation ceremonies all guided by a deep-rooted, nature-based philosophy. He also loves to bake bread, hike + read books.

Listen to Roni + Ben discuss the course + bioregional life-ways on the Rooted Healing podcast.

when, where, how…

  • The programme runs from Imbolc (1st February) 2025 - mid January 2026.

    Each council is on or around the new moon. Special guest sessions tend to be 1-2 weeks later.

    Council calls are held in the morning (9-10am) and evening (6-7pm) to cater for broader timezones + daily rhythms.

    Guest sessions are generally 6:30-8pm GMT/BST (UK time) but may vary.

    Why moons? We align the modules with moons, rather than months, as a part of our returning to the most innate rhythms of the ecological Self. We hope that you can look to the sky to orientate yourself in the cycles of the programme.

  • Over the year, there will be 30+ live calls, all 60-90 minutes in length. We strongly encourage you to rest into the live componant to feel connected with the community and in rhythm with the unfolding invitations.

    With every moon cycle there will be at least two core invitations into an activity within your own time, alongside reading, research and forum participation. It is up to you how deep you will go with this work and research so this course is adaptable to where you are at.

    We would encourage you to allow 6-12 hours each moon cycle for the calls, reading/listening and activities. Equally, you could end up spending much more time if Awen - the spirit of inspiration - is flowing through you!

    This journey is cultivating the fertile grounds for big change and leadership. Our council calls are but a small fragment of what is to unfold. Your active participation will require embodied research. So when it comes to making the decision about whether or not to sign up, consider your ability to commit to this journey and remain intact with our group. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out.

  • We ask you to value this life-changing programme at £1,200 for the whole year.

    Payment plans are available + must complete by February 2025.

    Bursaries are available through an application process.

    You will have the opportunity to earn back your investment (+ more, see FAQs).


  • All live sessions are recorded, edited and uploaded for replay and remain in the course portal.

    We invite you to rest into the live component of the programme as much as you can as this is where a deeper alchemy of collective enquiry occurs.

    Some pieces will be edited out of replays, depending on the structure and intimacy of the live call. Any participent who shares in the live call and wishes for their share to be removed from the replay can easily request so.

  • Each module chapter is offered in both written form and audio form so you can choose which works best for you. The forum and resources may seem a lot to work through but you can really rest into the live components of the programme and decipher which invitations are accessible for you. And you are always welcome to take the programme at your own pace.

  • Many have asked this as many are nomads, refugees and temporary immigrants who have yet to find "home-home". The materials support rooted, uprooted or half-rooted folk, albeit, there will likely be some resistance in some of the invitations if you do not feel committed to a place, which also lays fertile grounds for enquiry, reflection, composting and growth.

    We have come to know belonging as a state rather than a destination. The programme will help you dig deep, regardless of your current sense of rootedness.

  • All course purchases are final. Since session recordings will be provided to each participant, cancellation requests will not be eligible for refunds. We appreciate your understanding and commitment to the transformative journey this programme provides.

  • The programme has been designed to get you outside and we offer a guide to make the most of the course and materials (keeping things analogue as possible etc). The live calls and forum participation involve screen time, yes, but at every step of the way we have considered ways to stay connected, tactile, embodied and inspired, so you will notice an evident increase in deep intimacy with the land you inhabit.

  • The most tangible opportunity we can provide is that if you evidently partake in the programme, you will be invited back for another year to hold small supportive cohort sharing circles in exchange for full 2026 course access. Many people have celebrated the opportunity to slow-study for another year. You can also become an ambassador and have the opportunity to earn your investment back (and more) by sharing the course with your community through a "cross-pollination" profit share.

    Through a celebration of your research, we may also invite you to write an article for our journal, to speak on the podcast and to be featured in the bioregional map and movement we are weaving into existence.

    You will be able to carry forth the work, with ample inspiration of facilitation frameworks and practices.

    We will actively support and uplift your voice and offerings through our various platforms and through the network you create with your cohort.

    Many ideas and offerings are likely to arise from the soils of the programme, which will be nurtured as your "mythopoetic calling" or "ecological niche". We have seen participants connect their village, start their own eco/social projects, inspiring columns, gatherings, authoring books... You may also feel inspired to birth creative movements or activism, or to transform your life in a harmony of rest + service.

    The calls with the special guests are usually small and intimate, seeding broader connections.

    The ripples from this work + rest together are immeasurable, but we are certain of their potency. Here lies the opportunity to live your life more fully, to dig deep and feel majestically interconnected within the web of life.

Curious? Receive a FREE taster workshop…

“I’m much more interested in ensoilment than ensoulment. I want to have actual roots. I want my spirituality to have fur, pheromones, funk. I want it to live in a specific place. And I want it to teach me intimately how to be dynamically present and useful to my ecosystem. And I want to tell people that healing isn’t about completion. And it isn’t about lightness. It’s about the mixing bowl where nothing is exiled, everything is included. In order to grow a garden, you need manure. You need compost. In order to heal the soil, you don’t clean it, you add to it.”

— Sophie Strand, 2024 + 2025 Special Guest

protect biodiversity

Ancient woodland, wildflower meadows and endangered species are sponsored with the future forest company every time you join us at a gathering or on a course.

“Ours is not the task of fixing the entire world at once, but of stretching out to mend the part of the world that is within our reach.”

― Clarissa Pinkola Estés